How to use Conda in Anaconda?
2 min readApr 17, 2020
Type the following commands in your anaconda cmd to get your conda virtual environment set up!
Step 1: Need to install conda (or maybe it is already pre-installed? Not sure..)
Step 2: Create a conda environment inside anaconda
conda create -n env_name
env_name can be named to your preference
Step 2a: Activate conda environment
conda activate env_name
Step 3: Need to install notebook inside the conda environment:
conda install nb_conda
Step 4: Need to type Jupyter notebook in the cmd to load it in your browser
jupyter notebook
Step 5: To use certain modules/libraries in your code, you will need to install them one by one in your conda virtual environment:
conda install -c defaults opencv
conda install -c defaults scikit-image
conda install -c defaults <library-of-your-choice>
Try to use defaults
when installing libraries. I tried using conda-forge
but it failed to work properly when i opened jupyter notebook and there were some errors in finding the modules.